The Piccolo RTU is a small remote terminal unit (RTU) that consists of an electronic board and a 3-way latched solenoid, packed in an IP65 plastic housing. The Piccolo RTU is connected serially on a two-wire standard cable at a distance of up to 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) to an IRRInet single-cable module. It provides energy to one latched solenoid and receives two digital inputs.
The Piccolo RTU is powered from the communication cable (no need for an additional power supply), which is connected to the single cable module mounted in the IRRInet unit. Up to 63 Piccolo RTUs may be hooked up along the cable.
• Operation mode: 4 mA
• Standby mode: 0.4 mA
2 digital inputs
1 output
-30 ºC – +60 ºC (-22 ºF – +140 ºF)
Up to 95% RH @ 50 ºC (non-condensing)
The uniqueness of the Piccolo RTU solution is in the fact that it is powered by 2 wires (as opposed to multi-wire systems). It is possible to reach up to a cable length of 10 km (6 miles).
1DO and 2 DI can be connected to each Piccolo RTU card. Up to 63 Piccolo RTU units can be connected to each module (cable). 3 modules can be connected to 1 IRRInet.
There are several differences, the most notable being that the Piccolo RTU is designed for DC LATCH solenoids. The MDS operates 24VAC solenoids.
Mottech Water Solutions Ltd.
Mottech USA Inc. 9810 Liberty Road Aubrey, TX 76227
Mobile: +972- 54-597-0428
Tel. +972-(0)9-9616000