An automated irrigation system is a system that can be controlled remotely or manually when needed. It is a type of irrigation system that uses a timer to control the amount of water being applied to the crops.
The first automated irrigation systems were developed in the 1940s and 1950s as an alternative to traditional flood irrigation. Today, these systems are often used as an alternative to manual watering as they can reduce labor costs and increase crop production.
Farmers can save time and money by using AI-controlled irrigation systems.
In the past, farmers had to manually control the irrigation system to make sure that their crops were getting enough water. This meant that they had to spend a lot of time checking on their crops and manually turning the irrigation system on and off. Now, with an automated irrigation system, farmers can let AI do all of this work for them. They just have to set up a few parameters and then let the system take care of everything else.
There are many benefits to using an automated irrigation system. One of the biggest is that it reduces water use by up to 50% as well as that they’re easy to use, low cost, and efficient.
Another advantage is that automated systems are easy to use. This means that they can be used by any kind of farmer, whether or not they hold prior knowledge about how the machine works or its capabilities. All they need to do is press a few buttons and they are good to go.
One more big advantage is low cost. This means that farmers will be able to afford one on their own without having to rely on outside sources for help or funding. It also means that there are many companies that are willing to offer loans for those who need financial assistance in order to purchase one.
There are several factors to consider when buying an irrigation system. The two main types of controllers are standalone units and control units that are part of a system
Standalone units are control units that control the valves and sensors connected to them directly. These units do not have the ability to receive data from I/O’s that are not directly connected to them. In most cases these units are without a communication device that will connect them to the cloud. Therefore, it is necessary to physically access them in order to modify the data using dedicated screen and keyboard
The second type is a control system. These are a number of control units of one or more types that are installed in the field and function as a system in the way that they are connected to each other through a cloud software. This connection allows, among other things, to control these units remotely and also to connect and influence the various elements in the field regardless of the control unit. For example: in such a system sensor connected to control unit X can affect the end/start of irrigation in unit Y
The standalone control units are simpler and also cheaper. The second type, designed for more diverse needs, allow for more advanced solutions and often these solutions are also more expensive
Mottech offers a uniquely innovative system that allows for advanced control and monitoring from the water source to the irrigation valve, all accessible through a user-friendly app that allows remote monitoring and control.
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Mottech Water Solutions Ltd.
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